This tutorial includes code and excersizes used in the 2018 Analytical Paleobiology Course, hosted at University of Florida.
Code and datasets associated with this tutorial are available at
These can be installed with devtools
using install_github("katrinajones/qpal", build_vignette=T)
See Lecture one in accompanying PDFs.
Geometric morphometrics (GMM) is the quantitative representation and analysis of morphological shape using geometric coordinates instead of measurements.
The goal of morphometrics is to measure morphological similarity and difference. Key features of GMM are:
Steps in a GMM analysis are:
Procrustes superimposition is the ‘standardization’ step in GMM. Procrustes removes size, translation, and rotation. In orther words, it centers the shapes on the same point, scales them to the same size, and rotates them into the same orientation. These manipulations remove statistical degrees of freedom, which has implications for later statistical analyses. After landmarks have been superimposed, the similarities and differences in their shape can be analyzed.
Other names for procrustes superimposition include: Procrustes analysis, procrustes fitting, generalized procrustes analysis (GPA), generalized least squares (GLS), least squares fitting. The analysis centers the shape on the origin, scales all shape to unite size, and minimizes least squares distance by rotation.
PCA ordinates the objects by arranging them in a shape space. Similarities and differences can be easily seen in a PCA plot.
The axes of a PCA plot are principal components (PCs). The first PC is, by definition, the line that spans the largest axis of variation in shape. The second spans the next largest axis of variation at right angles to the first, the third spans the third largest axis of variation, and so on.
The PCA plot is a morphospace:
Morphospace is always centered on the average shape, or consensus shape.
Why is PCA a standard step?
Thin plate splines are a visualization tool which involves deforming a uniform grid to show a difference between two objects.
Lollipops show vector from each landmark in one shape to another, to visualize shape changes.
Landmarks: ant point described by cartesian coordinates, used to represent the shape of a structure.
Landmarks (2): any point that can be places on a biologically or geometrically homologous point on the structure.
Semi-landmark: a point that is placed arbitrarily using an algorithm, often by defining endpoints at biologically homologous points and placing a specified number of semilandmarks between them.
Sliding semi-landmarks: semilandmarks points whose positions are algorithmically adjusted to minimize either the Procrustes distance or ‘bending energy’. However, placement is sample dependent.
Surfaces: semilandmark representatikon of the 3D surface of an object. Semilandmarks are quantified as cartesian coordinates. Either ordinary (object-dependent) or sliding (sample dependent) semilandmarks.
Consensus shape: the mean of the procrustes coordinates, landmark by landmark
Centroid: the geometric center of the object (the average of all of the x/y/z)
Procrustes distance: the sum of all the distances betweent the corresponding landmarks of two shapes. The main measure of shape difference.
Centroid size: Sum of distances from landmarks to centroid, measure of overall size.
See Lecture two in accompanying PDFs.
Geomorph provides a flexible tool for analyzing geometric morphometric data. For more information see ?(geomorph)
Loading up some data:
#load geomorph
library(geomorph, quietly=T)
library(qpal, quietly=T) #package including functions for the course
#Get example data - plethodon salamander heads
data("plethodon") #Load data into environment
#What's included in the dataset
#> Length Class Mode
#> land 960 -none- numeric
#> links 28 -none- numeric
#> species 40 factor numeric
#> site 40 factor numeric
#> outline 7262 -none- numeric
The ‘wide’ data format (n(pk)) for data is most common outside GMM packages, however, within GMM packages the long format (pkn, 3D array) is most commonly used.
Converting between wide and long data formats:
#Converting between wide and long formats
#Long to wide
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
#> [1,] 8.893720 53.77644 9.268400 52.77072 5.561040
#> [2,] 8.679762 54.57819 8.935628 53.83027 5.451914
#> [3,] 9.805328 56.06903 10.137712 55.27961 6.647680
#> [4,] 9.637164 58.03294 9.952104 56.77318 6.109836
#> [5,] 11.035692 58.75009 11.335110 57.85184 8.255382
#Wide to long
long<-arrayspecs(wide, 12, 2)
#> [,1] [,2]
#> [1,] 8.89372 53.77644
#> [2,] 9.26840 52.77072
#> [3,] 5.56104 54.21028
#> [4,] 1.87340 52.75100
#> [5,] 1.28180 53.18484
#> [6,] 1.24236 53.32288
#> [7,] 0.84796 54.70328
#> [8,] 3.35240 55.76816
#> [9,] 6.29068 55.70900
#> [10,] 8.87400 55.25544
#> [11,] 10.74740 55.43292
#> [12,] 14.39560 52.75100
Arrays are much more handy for handling GMM data in R because you can easily access all elements with simple code
#Indexing arrays
#Get first specimen
#Get first landmark of all specimens
#Get X coordinates of all landmarks
Geomorph data frames are a useful way of tidying all your data associated with your landmarks together into a single object, and are the native and sometimes required format for geomorph functions
#Create geomorph data frame
plethgdf<, species=plethodon$species,
#> Length Class Mode
#> landmarks 960 -none- numeric
#> species 40 factor numeric
#> site 40 factor numeric
Once your data is all combined into a single geomorph data frame, its very useful to be able to subset it all at once, keeping track of all your separate variables. I’ve included a custom subsetting function I wrote for this purpose.
#plot first five specimens
#plot raw data together
plotAllSpecimens(plethgdf$landmarks, mean=F)
#plot in same shape space
plethgdf<, coords=Pcoords$coords,
plotAllSpecimens(plethgdf$coords, mean=T, links=plethodon$links)
Comparing specimens
#Are there any wierd specimens
#Let's compare them
shape1<-mshape(plethgdf$coords)#consensus shape
#Thin plate spline
plotRefToTarget(shape1, shape2, method=c("TPS"), mag=2)
plotRefToTarget(shape1, shape2, method=c("vector"), mag=10)
plotRefToTarget(shape1, shape2, method=c("points"), mag=10)
This section provides a quick overview of the steps of a GMM analysis in R, which will be followed by a practical in which you will collect and run your own data.
The R package Stereomorph provides a nice interface for collecting landmarks and curves in 2D. You must have either Chrome or Safari installed for this to work. For more guidence on collecting landmarks in Stereomorph see
#> Warning: package 'StereoMorph' was built under R version 3.4.4
#Digitize 2D landmarks with Stereomorph
extdatafiles <- system.file("extdata", package="qpal")#find directory where external data are saved
#Name landmarks
lands<-c("condyle", "angular", "coronoid", "posterior molar", "tip incisor")
#Name curves
curves<-matrix(c("condtocor", "condtoang","condyle","condyle","coronoid",
"angular"), nrow=2,ncol=3)
#Digitize specimens
digitizeImage(image.file = 'ShrewsAndMarmots', shapes.file = 'teeth',
landmarks.ref = lands, curves.ref = curves)
Read in the data
#Look at data based on fixed landmarks only
#Procrustes fit
gpa.lands <- gpagen(fixed)
Now add the curve sliders
#With Sliding semi-landmarks
#resample curves to 5 fixed landmarks
curvelands<-lapply(curves, function (x) lapply(x, pointsAtEvenSpacing, n=totfixed))#Resample
curvelands<-lapply(curvelands,, what=rbind)#merge
curvelands<-array(unlist(curvelands), dim=c((2*totfixed),2,5))#convert to array
#The first and last points are the original fixed landmarks, so can be dropped
curvelands<-curvelands[-c(1,totfixed, (totfixed+1),(2*totfixed)),,]#remove fixed points
rownames(curvelands)<-rep(c("cu1", "cu2"), each=nfixed) #label
lands<-abind::abind(fixed, curvelands, along=1) #join with fixed
We can write to TPS format for use in other software, or read in files created elsewhere in that format
#Read and write TPS file for use in other software
writeland.tps(lands, "shrewtest.tps")
readland.tps("shrewtest.tps", specID=("ID"))
Now we need to make a ‘sliders’ file to tell geomorph which landmarks to slide during the procrustes fit. Here I’m using custom code makesliders
which makes the sliders file based on the curve labels
#make sliders file
sliders<-makesliders(rownames(lands),id=c("cu1", "cu2"), begin=c(1,1),end=c(3,2))
#Procrustes fit
gpa.lands <- gpagen(lands, curves=sliders)
plot(gpa.lands$consensus, col=palette()[as.factor(rownames(lands))], pch=19)
plotRefToTarget(gpa.lands$coords[,,1], gpa.lands$consensus)
Now we’ll try with a much bigger dataset, see ?shrewteeth
##Now lets try with a big dataset of shrewteeth!
#shrew teeth
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> 60.0 314.0 442.0 450.1 555.0 891.0
#Procrustes fit
#Plot raw data
#plot procrustes coordinates
Now lets try putting it in a geomorph data frame
#Make geomorph data frame
group<-as.factor(rep(c("a", "b"), length=dim(shrewteeth)[[3]]))#make up some labels
shrewdf<, coords=proc$coords,
size=proc$Csize, group=group)
#subsample by labels
a<-subsetgeom(shrewdf, "spec", which(shrewdf$group=="a"), keep=T)
pca.lands <- plotTangentSpace(shrewdf$coords, label=TRUE,
groups = palette()[shrewdf$group])
shrewdf<, scores=pca.lands$pc.scores)
Now lets try an interactive 3D plot
plot3d(shrewdf$scores[,1:3])#interactive 3D plots
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Compare to the mean shape
#Consensus shape
consensus <- mshape(shrewdf$coords)
#centroid - midpoint of the landmarks
centroid <- apply(shrewdf$coords,2,mean)
points(centroid[1],centroid[2],col="Red", cex=2)
#Visualizing shapes
Now try it out yourself! Take some photos of your friends faces, ideally from different angles, and try running your own morphometric analysis. Do different faces group separately? Or does error associated with photo angle swamp out the signal?
See Lecture three in accompanying PDFs.
Procrustes superimposition translates, scales and rotates ladmarks to a common coordinate system. This removes degrees of freedom as follows:
2 + 1 + 1 = 4
for 2D data 3 + 1 + 1 = 7
for 3D data
This creates several statistical challenges: colinearity, ‘singular’ covariance matrix, and ‘curved’ shape space, which can be dealt with later in the PCA step.
Calculating Procrustes distances by hand
#Distances in shape space
#Calculate distance
#> [1] 314.8666
#Consensus shape
consensus <- mshape(shrewdf$coords)
#Procrustes distance
dists <- array(dim=dim(shrewdf$coords)[3])
for(i in 1:dim(proc$coords)[3])
{ dists[i] <- sqrt(sum((shrewdf$coords[i]-consensus)^2)) }
#> [1] 1.000005 1.000005 1.000220 1.000232 1.000314 1.000536
Calculate centroid size
#Centroid size
shape <- A
centroid <- apply(shape,2,mean)
centroidsize <- sqrt(sum((t(t(shape)-centroid))^2))
plot(shape, xlim=c(-800,800), ylim=c(-800,800))
points(t(centroid), col="red", pch=19)
The following code allows you to run through the steps of a Procrustes Superimposition: Translation, scaling, rotation
plot(shape, xlim=c(-800,800), ylim=c(-800,800), main="Translate")
points(newshape, col="blue")
points(t(centroid), col="red")
newcent<-apply(newshape, 2, mean)
points(t(newcent), pch=19,col="Red")
#centroid size doesn't change
#> [1] 531.6667 481.7778
#> [1] 678.6365
resizedshape <- newshape / centroidsize
plot(c(-1,1),c(-1,1),xlab="x",ylab="y", type="n", main="Scale and Rotate")
points(t(newcent), pch=19)
points(resizedshape, pch=19,col="Red")
angle <- 45 * pi / 180
rotmat <- matrix(c(cos(angle),-sin(angle),sin(angle),cos(angle)),byrow=T,ncol=2)
points(resizedshape%*%rotmat, pch=19,col="Blue")
One way to check your calculations is to compare three methods for calculating total variance which should always give the same results
#> [1] 219
sum(apply(shrewdf$coords, 3, function (x) sum((x-consensus)^2)))/(nspec-1)
#> [1] 0.002525195
#> [1] 0.002525195
#> [1] 0.002525195
The following code runs through the steps of the PCA calculation
#convert procrustes coordinates to wide format for use outside geomorph
consensusvec<-apply(coords2d, 2, mean)#consensus in vector format
#calculate residuals
resids<-sweep(proc$coords, c(1,2), consensus)
#calculate covariance matrix
#single value decomposition
eigenvalues <- pca.stuff$d
eigenvectors <- pca.stuff$u
scores <- two.d.array(resids)%*%eigenvectors
Calculate variances again to check
sum(apply(coords2d,2,var)) # total variance of Procrustes coordinates
#> [1] 0.002525195
sum(apply(two.d.array(resids),2,var)) # total variance of Procrustes residuals
#> [1] 0.002525195
sum(pca.stuff$d) # total variance of singular values
#> [1] 0.002525195
sum(apply(scores, 2, var)) # total variance of scores
#> [1] 0.002525195
All looks good!
Compare plots to those generated by PCA using geomorph.
pca<-plotTangentSpace(shrewdf$coords, warpgrids=F)
PCA is nothing more than a rigid rotation of the data, meaning we can translate between PCA scores and real shape. Eigenvectors are the angles between PC and original variables, making them in effect a rotation matrix. Therefore, we can translate between original data and PC scores by multiplying by the eigenvector rotation matrix.
###Translate PC Scores into original shapes
#First lets calculate the consensus shape
scores<-c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)#PC scores of consensus shape
shape<-matrix(shape,nrow=9, ncol=2, byrow=T)#must do by row
#Shape object will be zero for middle of morphospace
#> [,1] [,2]
#> [1,] 0 0
#> [2,] 0 0
#> [3,] 0 0
#> [4,] 0 0
#> [5,] 0 0
#> [6,] 0 0
#> [7,] 0 0
#> [8,] 0 0
#> [9,] 0 0
#Add consensus shape
#> [,1] [,2]
#> [1,] -0.567840259 -0.099913381
#> [2,] -0.379931044 0.053957251
#> [3,] -0.082502039 0.247238604
#> [4,] -0.008041951 0.040927010
#> [5,] 0.024258117 -0.083400357
#> [6,] 0.057227563 0.006661031
#> [7,] 0.412126074 0.188724017
#> [8,] 0.377682608 -0.154210724
#> [9,] 0.167020932 -0.199983451
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "mshape" "matrix"
#> [,1] [,2]
#> [1,] -0.567840259 -0.099913381
#> [2,] -0.379931044 0.053957251
#> [3,] -0.082502039 0.247238604
#> [4,] -0.008041951 0.040927010
#> [5,] 0.024258117 -0.083400357
#> [6,] 0.057227563 0.006661031
#> [7,] 0.412126074 0.188724017
#> [8,] 0.377682608 -0.154210724
#> [9,] 0.167020932 -0.199983451
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "mshape" "matrix"
We can use this same idea to calculate the shape at any position in morphospace, for example 0.5 on PC1 and 0.5 on PC2.
scores<-c(0.5,0.5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)#PC scores of consensus shape
shape<-matrix(shape,nrow=9, ncol=2, byrow=T)#must do by row
#Add consensus shape
plotRefToTarget(consensus, shape)
See Lecture four in accompanying PDFs.
PCA in GMM is (almost) always based on a covariance matrix. Correlation is similar to covariance but standardized by the spread (variance) of the data. Therefore, if a correlation matrix for PCA is used, the distribution of landmarks in space will be distorted.
Canonical Variates Analysis (CVA), (aka Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA)):
Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCO) (==MDS):
Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS):
Between-groups PCA (BG-PCA):
Regression measures the relationship between geometric shape and another continuous variables.
Linear regression finds the line that best predicts Y (dependent) from X (independent), where a is the slope, b is the intercept and E is the residual error.
y=aX + b + E
In GMM, we will always be using multivariate regression because there are always multiple shape variables.
We will use the plethodon example dataset from above to try out some data analysis in geomorph, using the geomorph dataframe ‘plethgdf’.
##example with plethodon dataset
pc.scores<-plotTangentSpace(plethgdf$coords, warpgrids=F)
plethgdf<, pcscores=pc.scores$pc.scores)
We can run the analysis univariately using PC1, however this is not a good idea because it ignores much of the variation. Here we show an example, just to illustrate univariate regression in r
#Univariate regression against PC1
#Not including all the variation - shouldn't do this!
w <- lm(plethgdf$pcscores[,1]~ log(plethgdf$size))
w # gives only coefficients & formula
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = plethgdf$pcscores[, 1] ~ log(plethgdf$size))
#> Coefficients:
#> (Intercept) log(plethgdf$size)
#> -0.04360 0.01579
summary(w) # gives much more info: stats, P, etc.
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = plethgdf$pcscores[, 1] ~ log(plethgdf$size))
#> Residuals:
#> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#> -0.08342 -0.03543 0.01080 0.03647 0.05491
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept) -0.04360 0.12061 -0.361 0.720
#> log(plethgdf$size) 0.01579 0.04362 0.362 0.719
#> Residual standard error: 0.04356 on 38 degrees of freedom
#> Multiple R-squared: 0.003438, Adjusted R-squared: -0.02279
#> F-statistic: 0.1311 on 1 and 38 DF, p-value: 0.7193
abline(w) # adds regression line to plot
However, it is much better to run the analysis multivariately, taking into account all variation. Geomorph has many tools for the multivariate analysis of shape, which run directly on the Procrustes Coordinates. Further, statistical tests within the package are designed to accomodate high dimensional data. For more information see ?ProcD.lm
#Multivariate in geomorph - correct way!
pleth.lm<-procD.lm(coords~log(size), data=plethgdf, print.progress = F)
#> Call:
#> procD.lm(f1 = coords ~ log(size), data = plethgdf, print.progress = F)
#> Type I (Sequential) Sums of Squares and Cross-products
#> Randomized Residual Permutation Procedure Used
#> 1000 Permutations
#> ANOVA effect sizes and P-values based on empirical F distributions
#> Df SS MS Rsq F Z Pr(>F)
#> log(size) 1 0.008894 0.0088940 0.04516 1.7973 1.2036 0.123
#> Residuals 38 0.188046 0.0049486 0.95484
#> Total 39 0.196940
If you are interested in the relationship between size and shape, there is also a built in function for allometric analysis. Though testing is essential the same as ProcD.lm
, it includes additional tools for visualizing size-related shape.
#Special function for examining allometry specifically
pleth.allom<-procD.allometry(coords~size,logsz=T,data=plethgdf, print.progress = F)
#> Allometry Model
#> Call:
#> procD.allometry(f1 = coords ~ size, logsz = T, print.progress = F,
#> data = plethgdf)
#> Type I (Sequential) Sums of Squares and Cross-products
#> Randomized Residual Permutation Procedure Used
#> 1000 Permutations
#> ANOVA effect sizes and P-values based on empirical F distributions
#> Df SS MS Rsq F Z Pr(>F)
#> log(size) 1 0.008894 0.0088940 0.04516 1.7973 1.2036 0.123
#> Residuals 38 0.188046 0.0049486 0.95484
#> Total 39 0.196940
#Now also outputs allometric components with shape warps
#Shape scores from regression of shape on size
plot(pleth.allom, method="RegScore")
#Predicted shapes based on size
#PC1 of predicted values
plot(pleth.allom, method="PredLine")
Further, it is possible to ‘size-correct’ your shape data, by removing the shape most associated with size. Remember, absolute size has already been removed during the Procrustes fit. Thus, this allometric component of shape reflects the remaining shape which is correlated with size. You need to think about if you want to remove this or not!
#Can get size-corrected residuals
plethAnova <- procD.lm(pleth.allom$formula,
data = pleth.allom$data, print.progress = F)
shape.resid <- arrayspecs(plethAnova$residuals,
p=dim(plethgdf$coords)[1], k=dim(plethgdf$coords)[2]) # allometry-adjusted residuals
adj.shape <- shape.resid + array(mshape(plethgdf$coords), dim(shape.resid)) #
We can also take into account different groups when considering allometry
##Add groups - MANCOVA
pleth.allom<-procD.allometry(coords~size,f2=~species,logsz=T,data=plethgdf, print.progress = F)
#> Homogeneity of Slopes Test
#> Allometry Model
plot(pleth.allom, method="PredLine")
We can also visualize shape variation associated with size
#Compare min and max size associated shapes
plotRefToTarget(pleth.allom$, pleth.allom$, mag=5)
Assesses the relationship between geometric shape and a categorical predictor variable, with multiple response variables (shape).
We can also use ProcD.lm
to examine the relationship of shape with categorical variables
pleth.anova<-procD.lm(coords~species, data=plethgdf, print.progress = F)
#> Df SS MS Rsq F Z Pr(>F)
#> species 1 0.029258 0.0292578 0.14856 6.6304 3.296 0.001 **
#> Residuals 38 0.167682 0.0044127 0.85144
#> Total 39 0.196940
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
pleth.anova<-procD.lm(coords~species+site, data=plethgdf,print.progress = F)
#> Df SS MS Rsq F Z Pr(>F)
#> species 1 0.029258 0.029258 0.14856 10.479 3.9884 0.001 **
#> site 1 0.064375 0.064375 0.32688 23.056 5.4594 0.001 **
#> Residuals 37 0.103307 0.002792 0.52456
#> Total 39 0.196940
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
pleth.anova<-procD.lm(coords~species*site, data=plethgdf, print.progress = F)
#> Df SS MS Rsq F Z Pr(>F)
#> species 1 0.029258 0.029258 0.14856 14.544 4.4828 0.001 **
#> site 1 0.064375 0.064375 0.32688 32.000 5.9466 0.001 **
#> species:site 1 0.030885 0.030885 0.15682 15.352 6.8745 0.001 **
#> Residuals 36 0.072422 0.002012 0.36774
#> Total 39 0.196940
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# diagnostic plots, including plotOutliers
plot(pleth.anova, type = "diagnostics", outliers = TRUE)
# PC plot rotated to major axis of fitted values
plot(pleth.anova, type = "PC", pch = 19, col = "blue")
To run posthoc tests between groups, or explicitly test the fit of two nested models, advanced.ProcD.lm
can be used.
#Post-hoc comparisons
pleth.posthoc<-advanced.procD.lm(coords~species,f2=~1, groups=~species,
data=plethgdf, print.progress = F)
#> Call:
#> advanced.procD.lm(f1 = coords ~ species, f2 = ~1, groups = ~species,
#> print.progress = F, data = plethgdf)
#> Randomized Residual Permutation Procedure Used
#> 1000 Permutations
#> ANOVA effect sizes and P-values based on empirical F distributions
#> ANOVA Table
#> ResDf RSS SS MS Rsq F Z P
#> ~1 (Null) 39 0.19694
#> ~species 38 0.16768 0.029258 0.029258 0.14856 6.6304 3.296 0.001
#> Total 39 0.19694
#> Pr(>F)
#> ~1 (Null)
#> ~species
#> Total 39
#> LS means
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
#> Jord 0.1597260 -0.01869407 0.1929248 -0.08868376 -0.03102401 -0.002242806
#> Teyah 0.1449387 -0.03177919 0.1936548 -0.10139889 -0.03637704 -0.011616966
#> [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12]
#> Jord -0.2800987 -0.09437595 -0.3109811 -0.06244151 -0.3257754 -0.03732346
#> Teyah -0.2835498 -0.08436582 -0.3104722 -0.05322464 -0.3262250 -0.02684087
#> [,13] [,14] [,15] [,16] [,17] [,18]
#> Jord -0.3215131 0.03791574 -0.1881679 0.10172892 0.01989675 0.10464379
#> Teyah -0.3136324 0.04219763 -0.1883206 0.09896532 0.02328874 0.09306291
#> [,19] [,20] [,21] [,22] [,23] [,24]
#> Jord 0.1891566 0.08048506 0.357112 0.06419675 0.5387440 -0.08520871
#> Teyah 0.1897792 0.06939520 0.347150 0.05883370 0.5597657 -0.05322839
#> LS means distance matrix
#> Jord Teyah
#> Jord 0.00000000 0.05409051
#> Teyah 0.05409051 0.00000000
#> Effect sizes (Z)
#> Jord Teyah
#> Jord 0.000000 4.901917
#> Teyah 4.901917 0.000000
#> P-values
#> Jord Teyah
#> Jord 1.000 0.001
#> Teyah 0.001 1.000
#group and covariate
pleth.posthoc<-advanced.procD.lm(coords~species*log(size),f2=~1, groups=~species*site, slopes= ~log(size), data=plethgdf, print.progress = F)
#> ResDf RSS SS MS Rsq F Z
#> ~1 (Null) 39 0.19694
#> ~species * log(size) 36 0.15462 0.04232 0.014106 0.21489 3.2844 3.1924
#> Total 39 0.19694
#> P Pr(>F)
#> ~1 (Null)
#> ~species * log(size) 0.001
#> Total 39
#Compare with or without interaction term
pleth.posthoc<-advanced.procD.lm(coords~species*site,f2=~species+site, groups=~species*site, data=plethgdf, print.progress = F)
#> ResDf RSS SS MS Rsq F
#> ~species + site (Null) 37 0.103307
#> ~species * site 36 0.072422 0.030885 0.030885 0.15682 15.352
#> Total 39 0.196940
#> Z P Pr(>F)
#> ~species + site (Null)
#> ~species * site 6.8745 0.001
#> Total 39
Now try for yourself, using an example dataset of photos of Carnivoran tarsals, in the folder 2Dtarsals
. Locate this directory using system.file("extdata", package="qpal")
. Associated data are located in Tarsalsdata.csv
. To analyze example landmarks, there is a ready-made geomorph dataframe which can be accessed using data("tarsalsdf")
. What is the influence of size and stance on tarsal shape in carnivores?
Geomorph offers great tools for visualizing shape change in 3D. Using a surface ply file (located in /Tarsals/plys
), we can warp the surface shape to our procrustes consensus shape. From there, we can use this surface to visualize shape variation
First choose a specimen to be the base of your warps. This specimen should have fairly generic morphology and lie near the middle of the morphospace.
#3D surface warps
#Choose specimen
Next we will warp this base specimen to the mean shape for the dataset
#calculate warps
#read surface ply file
surf<-read.ply(paste0("Tarsals/plys/", specfit, ".ply"))
wmesh<-warpRefMesh(surf,tarsalsdf$land3d[,,which(dimnames(tarsalsdf$coords3d)[[3]]==specfit)], ref=mean)
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Now we can use the wmesh object anywhere geomorph
calls for a mesh. This will allow us to visualize shape variation as surface warps
#visualize shape
plotTangentSpace(tarsalsdf$coords3d, mesh=wmesh, label = tarsalsdf$common, groups = tarsalsdf$family)
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How can our estimates of shape change if we use 3D instead of 2D data? Access an example set of 3D landmarks using tarsalsdf$lands3d
See Lecture five in accompanying PDFs.
Modified statistical tests that take into account non-independence in data that come from different species.
PCMs are applied to regression, MANOVA, and other standard tests, and they can be used to estimate rates of evolution and reconstruct ancestral traits on a phylogeny.
PCMs estimate how much covariance a trait should have between taxa (and traits) is expected from the phylogenetic topology. The expected phylogenetic covariance is removed, leaving the residual between-trait covariance. Statistical tests are carried out on the residual component. PCMs based on a null model of evolution: Brownian motion i.e., purely random evolution.
Brownian motion is equivalent to an unbiased random walk. Change at each step is random with respect to other steps. Change at each step has an equal chance of moving in a positive or negative direction. Typical implementation specifies steps as coming from a normal distribution with mean of zero and variance equal to the rate of evolution.
In BM:
Phylogenetic covariance matrix (C) has diagonal equal to the total branch length between tip and base and off diagonals equal to the length of the shared branches. Actual expected variance and covariance is C multiplied by rate.
Brownian motion makes a good statistical null because it is a purely random process. Outcomes of BM processes are statistically predictable. BM can occur in nature through genetic drift or selective drift (selection that changes randomly in direction and magnitude); therefore BM does NOT necessarily equate with ‘neutral evolution’.
The phylogenetic component of data can only be assessed relative to some expectation e.g., BM.
Blombergs K (Kappa) = observed cov/expected cov
K can be thought of as the proportion of the covariance that is due to phylogeny. Usually ranges from 0 to 1, but can be greater than 1 if the phylogenetic covariances are stronger than under BM.
Pagels lambda = scaling factor so that tree fits BM model
Lambda can be thought of as how you would have to scale the branch lengths so that the data would be obtained under a BM model. Also usually ranges 0 to 1, where 0 is the equivalent to no phylogenetic structure and 1 is equal to actual phylogenetic structure. Can also be greater than 1 if phylogenetic covariances are stronger than under BM.
If the likelihood of ancestor of one descendant is a normal distribution with variance proportional to time, then the likelihood of the common ancestor is the product of their probabilities. This is the maximum likleihood method for estimating phylogeny, and reconstructing ancestral phenotypes. This can be used to project a phylogenetic tree into a morphospace (phylomorphospace).
Phylogenetic PCA: - pPCA is a PCA-like analysis based on the adjusted covariance matrix (by C matrix) - has undesirable properties: does NOT remove the effects of phylogeny - recommend not using this for GMM
First we will upload a phylogenetic tree to match our tarsals dataset. This is a time callibrated phylogeny generated by
#Use 2D tarsal data from yesterday
#Read tree - created from
#> Loading required package: phytools
#> Warning: package 'phytools' was built under R version 3.4.4
#> Loading required package: maps
#> Warning: package 'maps' was built under R version 3.4.4
tree$tip.label<-gsub("_", " ", tree$tip.label)#make names match
#Plot a phylomorphospace
phy.tar<-plotGMPhyloMorphoSpace(tree, tarsalsdf$coords, tip.labels = F, ancStates = T, plot.param = list([tarsalsdf$family]))
Geomorph will also calculate the ancestral state shapes at the nodes
#Now we can also visualize ancestral states<-arrayspecs(phy.tar, nrow(tarsalsdf$coords), 2)
#Evolution along branch
plotRefToTarget([,,1],[,,2], mag=3)
You can also use phytools
to make a 3D phylomorphospace
a<-plotTangentSpace(tarsalsdf$coords,warpgrids = F,axis1=1,axis2=2, verbose=F)
#> wgl
#> 5
colnames(plotdat)<-c("","","")#prevent axis labels
obj<-phytools::phylomorphospace3d(tree,plotdat, method="dynamic",
control=list(ftype="off",spin=FALSE, box=FALSE), cex.symbol=0.5)
##Color by groups
spheres3d(a$pc.scores[,1:3], color=palette()[tarsalsdf$family], r=0.01)
bbox3d(color = c("white"),shininess=15, alpha=0.3,xat=c(10), xlab="",yat=c(10), ylab="",zat=c(10), zlab="")
text3d((a$pc.scores[,1:3]+0.02), texts = substr(tarsalsdf$species,1,3))
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Geomorph uses Blomberg’s K to test for strength and significance of phylogenetic signal.
#Test for phylogenetic signal
physignal(tarsalsdf$coords, tree, print.progress = F)
#> Call:
#> physignal(A = tarsalsdf$coords, phy = tree, print.progress = F)
#> Observed Phylogenetic Signal (K): 0.4906
#> P-value: 0.002
#> Based on 1000 random permutations
Now let’s try a PGLS analysis in geomorph.
##Phylogenetic generalized least squares
pgls.tar<-procD.pgls(coords~stance, phy=tree, data=tarsalsdf, print.progress = F)
#> Df SS MS Rsq F Z Pr(>F)
#> stance 2 0.0006130 0.00030652 0.07026 0.4156 -2.1816 0.971
#> Residuals 11 0.0081119 0.00073745 0.92974
#> Total 13 0.0087250
#size and stance with interaction
pgls.tar<-procD.pgls(coords~log(mass)*stance, phy=tree, data=tarsalsdf,print.progress = F)
#> Df SS MS Rsq F Z Pr(>F)
#> log(mass) 1 0.0008420 0.00084203 0.09651 1.0749 0.35051 0.382
#> stance 2 0.0006296 0.00031478 0.07216 0.4019 -1.66532 0.938
#> log(mass):stance 2 0.0009868 0.00049338 0.11310 0.6299 -0.39641 0.660
#> Residuals 8 0.0062666 0.00078333 0.71824
#> Total 13 0.0087250
Finally, we can compare evolutionary rates in different portions of the tree based on brownian motion.
#Compare rates of evolution between families
rate.comp<-compare.evol.rates(tarsalsdf$coords, tree, gp=tarsalsdf$family, print.progress = F)
#> Canidae Felidae Mephitidae Mustelidae Procyonidae
#> 1.044737e-05 1.165668e-05 8.224185e-06 1.063307e-05 3.840590e-06
#> Ursidae
#> 5.713904e-05
#> Canidae Felidae Mephitidae Mustelidae Procyonidae
#> Felidae 0.806
#> Mephitidae 0.921 0.929
#> Mustelidae 0.971 0.830 0.935
#> Procyonidae 0.378 0.332 0.180 0.407
#> Ursidae 0.049 0.081 0.002 0.070 0.001
Now try applying some phylogenetic analyses to the tarsals dataset. How does phylogenetic correction change your results? How could you improve sampling to increase power in your analysis?
For advanced topics see Lecture six of accompanying PDFs.
When publishing your analyses, please always remember to cite packages that you are using in your scripts.
#> To cite package 'geomorph' in a publication use:
#> Adams, D. C., M. L. Collyer, and A. Kaliontzopoulou. 2018.
#> Geomorph: Software for geometric morphometric analyses. R
#> package version 3.0.6.
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#> @Misc{,
#> title = {Geomorph: Software for geometric morphometric analyses. R package version 3.0.6.},
#> author = {D.C. Adams and M.L. Collyer and A. Kaliontzopoulou},
#> year = {2018},
#> }
#> As geomorph is evolving quickly, you may want to cite also its
#> version number (found with 'library(help = geomorph)').
#> To cite StereoMorph in a publication use:
#> Olsen Aaron M, Mark W Westneat. 2015. StereoMorph: an R package
#> for the collection of 3D landmarks and curves using a stereo
#> camera set-up. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6:351-356.
#> Olsen, AM & A Haber (2017). StereoMorph: Stereo Camera
#> Calibration and Reconstruction. Version 1.6.1.
#> To see these entries in BibTeX format, use 'print(<citation>,
#> bibtex=TRUE)', 'toBibtex(.)', or set
#> 'options(citation.bibtex.max=999)'.
Our Sponsors: National Science Foundation (Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology Program), National Science Foundation (Earth Rates Initiative), Paleontological Society, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.